Wednesday, August 31, 2011

smoothie with mango

This looks lovely - before it's blended. And then it goes all orange-brown-speckled. But it is still delicious and good for your soul. If you have sold your soul, it will be good for your brain. If you don't have a brain, you probably need all the help you can get - so try a nutritious smoothie.

MaCoRaKa Smoothie:
Fresh, sliced mango
Coconut water
Frozen raspberries - can use fresh, but the smoothie won't be as cold
Fresh kale leaves

Oh, and look - I got a new blender! Mine was about 11 years old and started going weeEEEEAAAIIIIHHHHHHAAAAEEEEEeeeee. I fear that our beloved juicer is headed down the same, sad path. Right now it's only going whrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee...uuuuuuuu....hhhhhh....eeeeee.

Pete asked me "what are these seed things that you keep throwing into my smoothies?" and I said "just raspberry seeds" and he was suspicious still and I said "they are just the seeds from the raspberries" and he still didn't believe me so I 'fessed up that they were POISON seeds! I think he thought I had brought back the Chia. And I would, but I keep forgetting about it. Like the wheat grass on the window sill.

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